Intelligent Earth system sensing, scientific enquiry and discovery


A new PC control software for ZLS-Burris gravity meters.

H. Richard Schulz
Applied Gravity Dr. Schulz
Oral presentation

A new PC control software for ZLS-Burris gravity meters.


H. Richard Schulz


The previous operating of the ZLS-Burris gravity meter using a PDA already provides a significant improvement of the operation of a metal spring gravity meter. But in the practical field work the observer usually wishes more information about the measurement and the collected data. This situation suggests an improvement of the software and computer hardware.

The goal was to develop a small useful PC tool that eliminates these deficits. But it turned out to become a very extensive application software, which was developed during the past 4 years. During that time some unwanted effects of the original control circuit were detected. Therefore in a last step a complete new control circuit was developed. This new circuit is fast and smooth and without resonance effects to the system. The measurement algorithm can be specifically adapted to the gravity meter.

The software has a security system that ensures the user, depending on his level of knowledge, a limited access to the software options.

Furthermore, a customer project management system is integrated. The observer, the gravity meters, the projects and maps can be assigned. Several ZLS Burris gravity meters can be managed.

A large measurement as well as station management are integrated. Every station has up to more than twenty parameters, such as the necessary coordinates or supplementary pictures of the station. External storage and documentation of the measurement are possible with extra modules.

The maintenance of the gravity meter system is significantly improved. The motor control which was abolished by ZLS can now be used again and better monitored by a display on the screen.


Key words: Burris gravity meter, AGES© control software, new control circuit, higher accuracy

Scientific Topic: 
Instrument and software developments (Thomas Jahr)
Presentation date time: 
Thursday, June 9, 2016 - 12:20 to 12:35